So, a little over a week into this whole blogging thing and I am already discovering that committing to regular updates can be a challenge. For the past few weeks, my husband was traveling constantly for work leaving me with tons of free time in the evenings after work. For the past two weeks he has been home and it has thrown me off schedule! I am not complaining - I am very happy to have him home... but having him home means less baking and less posting. Over the next few weeks I expect to be baking and posting with less frequency (yes, this is pathetic considering the brief amount time I have been doing this), as I will be out of town for several weekends in a row.
However, within moments, they began to sink, resulting in cracked shells.
After giving them a few moments to cool, I tried to remove a few from the silpat for closer inspection. Instead of peeling off, the top skin of the macaron came off, leaving a gooey, messy filling stuck to the silpat. What a disaster... and I haven't a clue how to fix it. HELP!
Into the garbage they went.
I have decided to close this post with a successful batch of cupcakes that I made last Saturday just to make myself feel better, and to prevent this blog from being about my baking failures. Every once in a while I do have a baking success!
For the cupcakes, I decided to try inventing a recipe. I wanted to do something with cardamom. I love preparing dessert with cardamom because I feel like it is a spice that is always delicious, but difficult to identify and somewhat surprising for those who do not often eat it. The cake turned out moist and pleasantly spicy... but spicy enough that the strawberry buttercream frosting actually detracted from the overall flavor. With hindsight, such a light, delicate frosting probably was not the best pairing for such a strong cake. If I make this cake again, I think I would choose citrus (orange or lemon) over strawberry, with a more densely flavored toping - either creamcheese or a glaze.